The master's final work module is an opportunity to make sense of and implement the knowledge acquired during previous studies, and at the same time to strengthen and deepen competences and acquire new skills in solving organizational or industrial problems in the chosen field. This onesemester growth journey, upon successful completion, not only entitles you to a Master of Management degree, but also opens up new career opportunities. Studying managers choose to solve specific complex problems of management science or practice through this research project based on literature and situational analysis, research, and various managerial, science-based tools and logic. At the same time, they consolidate their expertise in relevant areas for organizations, the market, or themselves.
Accordingly, the master's thesis substantiates the student manager's ability to systematically accumulate, synthesize and apply knowledge to solve complex management problems by planning, preparing and defending an integral and independent project. The insights and findings gathered during the work can serve reasonably well, and solutions can soon be put into practice.
Accordingly, the master's thesis substantiates the student manager's ability to systematically accumulate, synthesize and apply knowledge to solve complex management problems by planning, preparing and defending an integral and independent project. The insights and findings gathered during the work can serve reasonably well, and solutions can soon be put into practice.
After completing the module, you will be ready to create value professionally:
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